Church Street Studios proudly exhibit an eclectic collection of art within its studios and corridors.
"Keep on Shoveling" - Found objects A cynical look at life and work.
A poster print enlarged from a small original water colour. Dot is a Sydney artist and likes to draw inspiration from the world around her. Attracted to the colour and drama of live music, this painting is from a series of works directly influenced by the feelings and moods aroused by great music.
Everyday Observations - Photos printed on canvas Just one of many photographs on display at the studio. Photo editing by Mimi Intal
"The Changing Face of Man" Pencil on Paper Created for his High School Major Art project. A comment on technology.
"Synth Exit Door" - Mixed Media Primarily a poster print collage of images of classic retro synthesizers, with LED lights and patch cables. Also functions as the emergency exit door.